Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A slobbering Love Affair

The inability of the mainstream media to criticize our Fearless leader. He has become a a celebrity that rarely speaks from his own mind but rather under the influence of a teleprompter. A candid comment is a rarity and is never highlighted as a verbal blunder like so many of his predecessors. Instead he is placed on a pedestal as a verbal genius whose off the cuff thoughts are never highlighted in political satire programs like the Daily show or Colbert Report. We have yet to see a punchline in a Leno or Letterman monologue. Their love affair began during the campaign and these reporters used their influence to determine the outcome of Obama over McCain.
An excerpt from Bernie Goldberg summed it up well:
"Never in my memory were so many journalists so intent on effecting change as they were during the campaign of 2008. Sure, mainstream journalists always root for the Democrat. But this time it was different. This time journalists were not satisfied merely being partisan witnesses to history. This time they wanted to be real players and help determine the outcome. This time they were on a mission, a noble, historic mission, as far as they were concerned. In fact, I could not remember a time when so many supposedly objective reporters had acted so blatantly as full-fledged advocates for one side-and without even a hint of embarrassment.

"...Make no mistake: this is not the same old liberal bias we have witnessed for years. In 2008, the mainstream media crossed a line. As a result, their credibility is in tatters. Hardly anyone trusts them anymore. This is not good for them, of course. But it may be even worse for us."

The love affair mentioned is continued as no one has pointed out that Barack Obama has spent more money is his first 100 days than every president prior to him combined! From Washington to W: they couldn't match the frivolous spending of our newest Big Spender! Trips to Manhattan costing hundreds of thousands for the afternoon and all the man power that it took to shut down our largest city are merely a weekend night for our first couple. They instead wanted to take in a night on Broadway! Well don't we all?

Now he has purchased a sixty percent stock for our us and our children in a fledgling automotive giant GM. Flint Michigan is a dying city and we have all just bought real estate in it. GM FAILED! Yet we leave the same decision makers in place and extend our financial futures to these same executives! GM must change their entire model and begin to produce mass transit for major metropolises in the country. Leave these people to work but change the economic model to reflect a new innovative idea. GM gas guzzlers do not work. GM can shift gears to alternative energy and create mass transit for cities like Tampa and Dallas. Please President Obama, use our industrial infrastructure to produce a new day of energy and commerce in these steel towns. DO NOT recreate the same GM! GM should be saved by letting it die or by radically changing its functionality. However, the media will not judge this large investment that was mad eon our behalf.
Just a thought-

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