Tuesday, June 30, 2009

our boys are coming up or are they?

Today was the day that our fearless leader has promised that our troops will leave major metropolises in Iraq. we will no longer have a large presence in cities like Kirkuk and Baghdad. There has been wide spread contempt for the previous administration even telling us into this Iraq war. We should have never have been there or meddled in the affairs of a sovereign nation of Iraq under the tyrant rule of Hussein. Some would even say that Iraq is not at a better place now then when we entered Iraq. The loss of life has been too high for a people that are not thankful for our financial and military assistance. these thought patterns blow my mind.

How can one person think that Iraq is not in a better place than they were prior to the invasion?

Even our current president acknowledged the success of American forces in Iraq. There was of course people who would seek to destroy the milestone foe Iraq. 26 people died in a car bombing in Kirkuk. The president called the day a significant milestone, marking progress and responsibility for the Iraqi people. He referenced the celebration in Baghdad as a positive sign and a symbol of U.S. forces' courage in the region. Our generation has suffered but nothing like previous wars that captivated our nation. There were no "meatless Wednesdays" like in the World wars but our people have continued to be split whether we deserved to be in Iraq at all.

what do you think? The Iraqis called it Sovereignty day but you draw your own. A free Iraq full of sovereign officials and an infant democracy.

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